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Where does "The Smiling Wombat" ship from?

Items may ship from various locations, depending on stock and fulfillment requirements.

Fulfillments may come from Toronto, Ontario (Canada), Buffalo, New York (United States), and Prague (Czechia).

What brand of shirts do you use?

"The Smiling Wombat"  currently uses a variety of shirt makes and brands, depending on the style/color/size you choose. These products are predetermined for you, based on availability and location.

Packages ship via USPS First-Class or USPS Priority to the United States, Canada Post Expedited Parcels (Canada), or SPRING (international)


What method do you use to make printed T-shirts?

We use Direct To Garment Printing (DTG) to produce your orders.

How secure is my personal information and my customers?

"The Smiling Wombat" uses industry-standard privacy protection; we don't sell, lease or otherwise distribute any personal customer information.